My so called life

"To forget one's purpose is the commonest form of stupidity," -Friedrich Nietzsche. My purpose is to share some of my stories about my wonderful life.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Don't mess with the Dees...
This past weekend my mate and I were itching to shake our booties, and instead of going to Fukuoka we headed to Ayer's Rock in Nags. There weren't so many people, but we still had fun.
We even met a group of people from Tokyo, and I as I asked one of them what their job was, they said, "mass communication."
Wow.. I thought that's cool, cause that was part of my major in uni.
Later I found out the group was "on vacation," and did not work in mass communication. Ah lost in translation.
It makes me laugh! It reminds me of when I was young and the first thing I heard a girl say to me in English was "you are funny." In German Pfane is a pan, and I thought she said to me "I am a pan." LOL
It's moments like these that make living abroad quirky and enjoyable.


  • At Wednesday, December 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sounds like you've been having a great time over there.
    Can't wait til you return and we can hang out again, like old times.
    Viva La Northumberland!

  • At Wednesday, December 06, 2006, Blogger Diana Chavlah said…

    hahahaha. great fun reading! "I am a pan.".

    But you forgot the most important thing about this picutre; the Paris Hilton look (don't write how many shoots we took in order to get this one and no one was of course taken at the toilet ;))


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