My so called life

"To forget one's purpose is the commonest form of stupidity," -Friedrich Nietzsche. My purpose is to share some of my stories about my wonderful life.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Labour Thanksgiving Day Nov. 23, 2006

Yes it's a National Holiday in Japan today, however a majority of businesses are still open. Yesterday I had to go to the police station. No it's not what you think, I wasn't in trouble. I simly wanted some help from a police officer who speaks English. You see about two weeks ago when I had to file a report about my accident the officer said, "If you need any help concerning the insurance company please come back."
That is exactly what I did.. but I didn't realize that their words were just an "act of kindness"
Japanese way of being polite.. but they didn't actually mean what they said.
Rather, they said, "We are police we can file reports about accidents and investigate them, but we cannot get involved in insurance claims."
Eh I felt as though I wasted my time and now I am forced to wait out this procedure. But I think I will contact the Canadian Embassy for help. Isn't that what they are there for???
Well in times like these I must try to stay positive.. taking pictures makes me happy. I love babies and kids... above is a picture I took last Saturday at Starbucks. A baby girl with a natural mohawk..... so adorable.
Okay it's times like these my biological clock can be heard ticking, I've shied away from the idea of having kids, yet lately I think it would be nice to have one. I guess I need a mate first LOL. The future will unfold all in good time and I will be patient.


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