My so called life

"To forget one's purpose is the commonest form of stupidity," -Friedrich Nietzsche. My purpose is to share some of my stories about my wonderful life.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Back from La Floride

I'm back from my holiday in Clearwater, FL and I must say I had loads of fun. The weather was great, with the exception of one rainy day, I was able to relax, and train for my upcoming 10 km race. I haven't registered for it yet, but it will be held around my bday.. so I still have loads of time to get my speed up.

Apart from that I have come to realize one thing... I am not content being in Canada now. Why you ask? I go to Toronto, a city which is supposed to welcome tourists, and you are greeted by frowning people everywhere. No one is happy. High paying executives, or people working in the GAP, no one smiles. What's wrong with you people? Don't you take pride in your work... aren't you satisfied?
I guess not.
It makes me mad because here I am looking to get back into the work force, and there are people who don't even do their job with joy or pride. For example the flight attendants on U.S. Airways. These people hardly smiled, they couldn't even find a blanket for me, said that it was "too difficult," and to top it off they served my tea in a dirty cup.

Should I put up with this crap? Nope I choose not to! I've decided to look for jobs in Europe and elsewhere.

And I have one question where is West Roxbury, Massachusetts?


  • At Monday, January 15, 2007, Blogger Diana Chavlah said…

    We got used to the Japanese politeness and the way they took pride in their jobs! The parking guy outside my university were always smiling.

    I don't know if this makes you happier, but the service in the States was excellent compared to the one we get here in europe. To hire labour is really expensive here, I mean honnestly, you buy your furnitures at IKEA and you have to make them youself!

    People in Europe don't feel good about themselves either I have to say. This is Europe in a nut shell:
    Poor people want to become rich, rich people want to become kings and kings are unhappy


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